Tuesday, July 24, 2018

25 Greatest Sports Stories in the History of Indiana

A monumental and impressive collection on what makes Indiana special and unique... sports. Lovingly curated and written, this coffee table book compiles twenty five of the greatest sports stories in Indiana (out of hundreds, whittling the list down must have been a nightmare!). When outsiders think of Indiana the first two things that pop to mind are basketball and the Indy 500. Behind that you'll get the Colts and the Pacers and Notre Dame and IU; but the most iconic imagery anyone can muster up about this great state ALWAYS centers on sports. And that isn't a problem, it just makes Hoosiers unique. When the treasury minted new quarters, one for each state; Indiana was the only state that featured a sports symbol, the race car. Even Naismith, the inventor of the game basketball said, "Basketball really had its origin in Indiana, which remains the center of the sport." 9 out of the largest 10 basketball gymnasiums in the world are found in Indiana. No matter where you go in the state, you cannot escape basketball hoops, they're lovingly placed on garages, barns, parks, dead ends, and anywhere they can fit. This collection covers sports heroes, venues, teams, and coaches; from Franklin's Wonder Five to Bob Knight to the Zeller family to the Milan Miracle. It's a wonderful tribute and is a must own for every Hoosier!

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