Saturday, June 8, 2024

Just for the Summer

Abby Jimenez is amazing. Somehow her books keep getting better and better. How is it possible?! Just for the Summer was so good. I didn't expect to feel all the feelings and start crying during it - but boy oh boy I was in for a treat. This book was soo good. These characters will stick with me and boy I wish they were real. Abby knows how to write real and flawed people. They are aren't two dimensional - they are wonderful. In Just for the Summer Emma and Justin meet through a Reddit thread. They are both convinced they have a curse. A curse that all their exes find "The One" after they break up. They decide to meet up in real life. Emma and her best friend Maddy travel all over the United States as travel nurses. They take turns picking locations. Emma decides to pick Minnesota so she can meet the Reddit guy. Initially they decide to meet so they can break each other's curses - but it quickly turns into so much more. They both have some heavy baggage and Abby deals with that brilliantly. Wonderful, emotional read!

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