Monday, February 20, 2017

Heart Shaped Box

An amazing new take on the typical old ghost story. Imagine buying a ghost on the internet, as a fluke. Something fun to add the ol' occult collection in your house. Some fun little trinket to start off a good story with. It's not like you'd receive an actual ghost. Right? This is the conundrum that rock singer Jude Coyne finds himself. Middle aged and living with a hot young goth girl, his best days are behind him. He has his dogs, his personal assistant downstairs handling the odd reunion requests and fan mail, and a hot roadie warming his bed. Life is good. Until the little heart shaped box containing a ghost shows up in the mail. Suddenly it isn't so funny anymore. This ghost is out for blood. Jude's blood. Any anyone dumb enough to try and help him. Genuinely creepy, and engaging. This ghost story kept me hooked until the very end. Jo's father must be proud. He's one hell of a horror writer.

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