Monday, March 10, 2025

Shell Shocked

This mystery novel would be good for middle grade or teen readers who are into marine biology or more specifically, turtles. On her sixteenth birthday, Alex's only birthday wish is that she get to volunteer with the Turtle Sanctuary and help protect Cataluna Island's vulnerable turtle population. She and her best friend Avery, feel an affinity for these beautiful sea creatures and think it's their duty to protect their nests and habitats. When they find some turtle she's with weird markings they know the turtles are in danger, but they don't know from who. Alex, Avery, and Maya (biologist) must get to the bottom of the mystery before any other turtles get injured or killed.  It's an important story but could have used a lot more editing. A lot of very repetitive phrases, weird plot holes, and ridiculously easy "clues," made this story a little too simple. It's honestly more of a novella anyway, it's quite short. Final gripe, what does the cover have to do with anything? There is no underwater maze reef. The only thing in common with the story is that it features a turtle. The cover should match the illustrations included in the book. Important material, just needed more finessing. 

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