Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Someone is Always Watching

I get that teen novels are supposed to be a little over the top but this is freaking delusional. Maybe as a tee I could have put my blinders on and believed a concept like this, but it gets more and more ridiculous the more you keep reading. I can only suspend belief for so long. Blythe goes to a special prep school funded by her parent's employers, in fact almost every kid there has family that works "up in the labs." When Blythe's best friend snaps at school one day and starts ranting and raving about the cameras everywhere, Blythe is concerned. This is unlike her friend, she vows to get to the bottom of it and decides to eavesdrop on the principal's conversation after school and that is all she remembers. She finds out later that her principal killed himself in his office (suspicious) and no one is allowed to see Gabrielle. She and her friends Tanya and Tucker know that something else is going on and will do anything to figure out what so they can help their friend. Over the top and super unbelievable. I literally can't. 

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