Monday, May 1, 2023

The Nice House on the Lake

Intriguing concept - a group of people in their thirties are all invited to their friend Walter's lake house for a week of fun and merriment. They don't necessarily all know each other - some are friends from high school, college, work etc. but they at least all know Walter so it should be a great time. Except on their first night there they discover that the world is literally ending. Fire is reining down all over the world and people are melting to death. How are they all safe at the lake. What is happening?! They have a lot of hard questions for Walter - but he isn't exactly forthcoming with answers. In fact - he's making himself very scarce. The answers that they seek could be right in front of them - but the truth could be more horrifying than any of them can imagine. A dark graphic novel - I can't wait to see how this series continues. 

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