Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Children of Men

I saw the movie, but it had been YEARS so I had completely forgotten how it ended. So I went into this book pretty ignorant. Told in a mixture of diary entries and third person, The Children of Men, tells the story of a world where no more babies are born. It's been 25 yearss since the last child was born. Schools are closed, playgrounds dismantled, and suicide encouraged as an option for the elderly who know that there is no more "family" to care for them. It's pretty bleak, but people are trying to make due. Theo Faron, a divorced history professor has just muddled along for years, simply existing. That all changes when one day a woman approaches him wanting to use his contacts to the Warden of England. Suddenly, he starts to realize how messed up things are around him, his eyes become open and he wonders if they do have what it takes to turn around the hopelessness. Bleak, depressing, dry at times, but a unique concept that will stick with readers. I definitely want to re-watch the movie now!

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